Vegetables Have Protein??!!??

Yes they do! You can get what you need from a vegetable based diet, you just have to choose wisely. Check out the video from BESTIE to find out more!

A Banana A Day…

Many “health gurus” say to stay away from fruit such as bananas because of the sugar content. Like all food, too much of a good thing is too much. One or two bananas a day wouldn’t be too much and offer a lot of nutritional benefits such as potassium and vitamin C. Check out theContinue reading “A Banana A Day…”

It’s All About Science!

The United States spends trillions on “health care”, however the leading risk factor for death in the U.S. is what we eat! And guess what, all those trillions don’t address the root cause. It has never been more apparent than now that we need to focus on prevention! Check out the video from NUTRITIONFACTS.ORG forContinue reading “It’s All About Science!”

It’s All About Science!

The United States spends trillions on “health care”, however the leading risk factor for death in the U.S. is what we eat! And guess what, all those trillions don’t address the root cause. It has never been more apparent than now that we need to focus on prevention! Check out the video from NUTRITIONFACTS.ORG forContinue reading “It’s All About Science!”

Health Benefits Of Basil Seeds!

Basil seeds look like chia seeds and should be soaked in water prior to consume in order to soften them. They offer many nutrient benefits such as iron and fiber and can be added to smoothies and other dishes! Check out the video from NATURAL HEALTH REMEDIES for more!

You Should Be Adding Fish To Your Diet Today!

Fish has been part of a healthy since biblical times! Fish consumption is associated with lowering the risk of heart disease, which is huge in this country! Check out the video from ORANGE HEALTH for more!

What Are The Best Veggies Choices For Low Carbs?

If you are choosing a diet rich in veggies you can’t go wrong however if you really want to keep your carbs in check there are better vegetables than others. Check out the video from Bestie for more!