So Many Benefits Of POPPY SEEDS!

Poppy gets a bad rap when you are going to have a drug test but they do offer many health benefits!! You can use the seeds and the oils for the following! May contain pain relieving compounds. May boost heart and skin health. Can be a sleep aid. Bone strength. Improves cardiovascular health. Improves cognitiveContinue reading “So Many Benefits Of POPPY SEEDS!”

Have An Apple A Day!

An apple a day really does keep the doctor away…but why is that? high in fiber and water may lead to weight loss. could be good for your heart. linked to lower risk of type 2 diabetes. may promote gut health. might help prevent cancer. could help fight asthma. There is such a wide varietyContinue reading “Have An Apple A Day!”

“Climate Change” Affects Childhood Obesity, “Experts” Say!

From The New York Post “CBS Mornings” pushed a recent study connecting climate change and hotter temperatures with childhood obesity rates. Climate change, specifically warmer temperatures is making our children more inactive and more obese. The study found that children were 30% less “aerobically fit” than their parents and claimed hotter temperatures were preventing kidsContinue reading ““Climate Change” Affects Childhood Obesity, “Experts” Say!”

Fired Football Coach Files $25 Million Lawsuit.

So many were forced out of their jobs for not getting the jab. Nick Rolovich, former Washington State football coach, was among those and he is punching back! From NOT THE BEE Nearly a year after the enforcement of Washington’s insane vaccine mandate resulted in the school forcing him out, Rolovich is suing the schoolContinue reading “Fired Football Coach Files $25 Million Lawsuit.”

Take In The Benefits Of Nature!

Get outside and you can almost guarantee your mental wellbeing will improve. Check out 7 health benefits of getting back to nature. Better breathing. Indoor concentrations of pollutants are often higher than outdoor. Improve sleep. Sun light affects your circadian rhythm more than electric light. Reduce depression symptoms. Sunlight can lessen depression symptoms. Mental restoration.Continue reading “Take In The Benefits Of Nature!”


Have you heard of Prunella Vulgaris? It is also known as self-heal or heal-all and is in the same family as mint. Ancient claims are that Prunella Vulgaris can protect against diabetes and cancer. The best way to consume this is in the form of tea. When taken internally, it can help fight infection andContinue reading “Add PRUNELLA VULGARIS To Your Teas!”

Have You Heard Of The ASIAN DIET?

Not to add more confusion to the “diet” talk, the Asian Diet is coming to attention. While I don’t think there is any one perfect diet, when you look at the diets that are most effective they typically have common points. From Lauren Bedosky of Everyday Health The Asian diet is currently ranked 13 outContinue reading “Have You Heard Of The ASIAN DIET?”

Add GALANGAL To Your Health Food List!

Have you heard of GALANGAL? As far as roots spices go, ginger and turmeric are the most popular. However, GALANGAL is becoming more popular as research is showing how powerful it is. Galangal root is an antioxidant powerhouse. It is a rich source of polyphenols, plant compounds and flavonoids. Numerous studies have shown that galangalContinue reading “Add GALANGAL To Your Health Food List!”

Are You Showering Properly?

It isn’t rocket science but, apparently, there is a right way to shower. According to Emily Slawek of Yahoo news, while it isn’t life-threatening, how you shower can have a positive, or negative, effect on your skin and gives a few tips. Don’t shower too often. If you’re not active, you can cut back toContinue reading “Are You Showering Properly?”

Mental Health Benefits Of Exercise!

Exercise offers many physical benefits, which is probably the main reason most will start a program. However, the mental benefits can be just as great and, most of the time, we notice those mental benefits before reaching our physical goals. From HELP GUIDE, there are many areas of mental well-being we can use exercise onContinue reading “Mental Health Benefits Of Exercise!”