The Importance Of Exercise In Our Life!

Being consistent. I have said the many times, consistency is the best habit to get into with exercise then progress from there! We get many benefits from regular exercise and RENOWN HEALTH gives many good reasons. Check it out and I’m sure you will find a reason that is good enough for you!

Tell Me, When Is The Best Time To Start A Healthy Program?

“This just isn’t a good time”. “I have too much going on”. “I won’t be able to keep with it”. Unfortunately, when you go into a healthy program with that in your mind, you won’t be successful. Knowing what will work best for you is very important. However, don’t fool yourself into thinking there isContinue reading “Tell Me, When Is The Best Time To Start A Healthy Program?”

Of Course You Don’t HAVE TO Make Changes For Your Health!

When someone tells me I have to do something, no matter what it is, I usually jokingly respond “I don’t HAVE TO do anything”! It is mostly a joke, but there is some truth to that. Most of the time, when people have a big challenge ahead of them, such as weight loss, a lotContinue reading “Of Course You Don’t HAVE TO Make Changes For Your Health!”

Have A Healthy Relationship With Exercise!

It’s interesting to see people evolve with exercise. During my 16 years at the YMCA, I had countless conversations with older adults who were very consistent with their workouts, and looked to have a great quality of life. I wanted to find out what the secret was to their success in the fitness world. MostContinue reading “Have A Healthy Relationship With Exercise!”

How Hard Is Too Hard To Push?

People have told me they want to find out their limits when it comes to exercise. I am a believer in getting results by challenging yourself and getting outside your comfort zone. To me, there is a big difference between getting out of your zone and pushing the limits and this is what I tryContinue reading “How Hard Is Too Hard To Push?”