Shia LeBeouf’s Deepening Faith With His Mothers Death. Beautiful!

Actor Shia LeBeouf has had his share of trouble however that seems to be changing since his work on the movie about St. Padre Pio. As shared here, LeBeouf had an epiphany while doing research on St. Pio and converted to Catholicism. Now he opens up to Aleteia again, talking about how his mother’s recentContinue reading “Shia LeBeouf’s Deepening Faith With His Mothers Death. Beautiful!”

Food Can Help Your Liver!

The liver is so important because nothing else in the body can make up for it if it is not functioning properly. A few of the responsibilities are: Food, of course, can help to keep the liver healthy and functioning! Some are: Adding these to your diet can do wonders for your liver, and overallContinue reading “Food Can Help Your Liver!”